It's not about looking outside. There is a lot of turmoil. It's about settling in…

Bild: Markus Werner ©
Sacred geometrie – sensing the energy field to come
I visit friends who live in Altmühltal. We haven’t seen each other for almost there years. Some have been in retreat themselves. Others went through deep changes in their relationships. Some divorced. A few new partners are on stage already. Everywhere there is a deep process going on. Thanks for your heart warming welcome with my state of being. I feel nurtured. I feel connection.
My partner and I are allowed to take part in the last part of a workshop led by the Michael Prechtl. He is talkting about three energy patterns that he wants to present us. The first one is the one that was dominant during the last age when there was a closer connection to earth. There were matriarchal structures visible in some cultures. Standing in this energy I feel rooted and fixed. The second geometry shows us the age of transition. That’s where we are all in. There is a lot of movement and yet nobody seems to know where to go. There is no fixed place. The third pattern is like looking energetically into the future. I experience peace, a hightened energy and less words. It’s a new consciousness-level as well.
Lydia and Erich are offering their home as a space to BE. I love this way of flowing within every moment. Saying good bye takes longer as a natural consequence and I am able to collect a few more messages from people around me.
Beate has an important impulse: what would we perceive if we would sense into the space between us? What do we have to let go of? What would emerge?